40 Days to the BRAVE New You is a powerful experience. 

You will learn how to treat yourself with boldness and respect.

You will have daily personal LOVE yourself assignments from the LOVE YOURSELF LIST! These action steps will show you how to be KIND to you. This BRAVE Process will change you and eventually it will change how others treat you too.

You cannot live differently than you believe and I believe it is TIME for you to believe in YOU!

40 Days to the BRAVE New You is a systematic approach for gaining clarity and insight into the love of God for you. 

You will gain new understanding in your own personal relationship with God. It takes you from who you are into who you want to become and transforms your heart as you heal from past wounds and pain. 

This study will awaken you to your true inheritance of life and love and living in a new way for YOU.  

40 Days to the BRAVE New You was a seven year journey of facing the past and moving into the future with greater  wisdom and understanding. You will be inspired by Donna's passion and call to infuse inheritance and kingdom into the lives of those she coaches, leads, talks with and cares about.  Donna has created BRAVE to change you into the person you dream to become.

BECOME BOLD in ways you have only thought about. 
BECOME RESPECTFUL to yourself in private and public. 
TAKE ACTION to overcome your past shadows.
 BECOME VICTORIOUS as you face your past.

This sought after coaching program will increase your confidence in you!  

It will change your productivity and help you transform as never before.

An Interactive Book Club.
Coaching you daily for 40 days as you prepare for the next season of your life.
I care about you and believe you will be
transformed from your Spirit alive in Christ.

Course Curriculum

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About the instructor

Friend, Teacher, Minister

Donna Reiners

Donna Reiners is a teacher who will challenge you to see yourself differently. She will push you through your bad moods, negative vibes and self hatred and encourage you to see yourself lovely and loved. She will take you into a journey she herself has been through and in the end...you will be one who turns to tell others how they too should see themselves as HE sees you. Perfect. Flawless. Beautiful.

Praise for this course:


If you don’t know Donna Reiners, then you should. If you do know her, then immediately the thought of passion comes to mind — passion for Jesus and life. This series is a good course to get to know her and the One she is so passionate about: Jesus and His Presence.

In this series, laid out as practical challenges in a transforming journey, Donna becomes your thought provoker, your coach and mentor, and your encourager along the way. She will be a catalyst to a new you. You will be challenged to truly like yourself and provoked to a new boldness to become who God designed you to be. You know why? Because not only has God given her a revelation toward “a brave new you” she models the lifestyle by the way she lives.

Jesus came preaching a new kingdom — a kingdom of love like no one had ever seen. In the presence of Jesus’ love, you will find treasures for yourself. Your life will revolutionize others around you. They will be grateful just to know you. Donna will not only give you revelations as to how to love anew, she will hold your hand and strengthen you along the way. Prepare to be challenged into a passionate relationship with Jesus. You are going to love the new you.

Bob L. Phillips

Bob L. Phillips Ministries, Inc.
Heartland Church in Ankeny, Iowa


Donna Reiners is a proven author and an anointed teacher. She’s also a committed practitioner who diligently helps individuals overcome myriads of diverse circumstances. By the end of this 40-day study, you will have the answers that empower you with increased momentum towards the fulfillment of your life goals.

Rev. Jill Mitchell O’Brien
President, Kingdom Connections International Inc.

I met Donna Reiners in 2014, and from the start I knew this lady was not normal. The Word tells us we are a peculiar people and that we are to be different. We are to stand out and not do things the way the world does them. We are to be set apart. Donna has done a great job in writing this book to help you do that very thing. She has laid out some principles that give you a great foundation on how to build according to God’s way and not the world’s way of doing things. As her pastor, I can say that Donna’s greatest attribute is that she truly loves people and wants to help them find the Source from where this Love originates. I pray you enjoy this book but most of all, I hope you find the love of the Father. I hope you feel the passion that Donna carries to know Him and to make Him known.

Darrin Begley
Author, I AM identified
Pastor, God’s House, Inc.

Branded By God Ministries

Attention: This may well be the most significant and transformational book you have read in your whole life. Read it carefully, slowly and dutifully. You owe this to yourself. This is also a daring book in that it plunges us into the massive flock of problems that gather around our dealing with our concepts of self. Let’s face it, we have a tendency to think either too much or too little of ourselves because self is always with us. What a novel idea, to avoid both these dangerous pitfalls by intentionally agreeing with God and loving ourselves. This book walks in “where angels fear to tread.”

The author has dared from the beginning to open the curtains on her past, the trials, the failures, the battles, the inner demons and all. She has emerged from her past, not only with a limp but also to an enlightened life of God’s love. I love her “synopses”, beyond a dozen, that form the foundations of truth from which she writes and speaks. I also love the challenges issued in her demands of openness and honesty on all our parts. She invites, yea, demands us to take the truth into our minds and think it, then speak it with our mouths and, most important of all, activate it into a lifestyle of movement.

I thrill at the possibility of this becoming a text for study with individuals, small groups, large groups, old groups and young groups. Thanks, Donna for opening your life to us in daring and stunning vulnerability! I predict for this treatise a fantastic future!

Jack Taylor
President, Dimensions Ministries
Melbourne, Florida

I have known Donna Reiners for over 20 years. She has been a forerunner in mentorship and in the ministry of intercession. As a coach she has inspired many men and women to reach the heights of potential within their lives. I highly recommend 40 Days to the BRAVE New You: Love Yourself Without Limits. This book will inspire the reader to reach the endless possibilities, which God has afforded them.

Lenny Weston
Founder, Vision Ministries International
Senior Pastor, Bridge Church Columbus

I’ve known Donna Reiners for well over two decades. The consistent and unwavering passion for the Lord and His purposes in her life has been evident and contagious to all those around her. Writing skills are a gift that can be developed and honed; yet she brings revelation and relevance to her gifts through her own life lessons and life experiences. In her latest book, 40 Days to the BRAVE New You: Love Yourself Without Limits, Donna uniquely ties together some important points and the understanding of The Hope of Glory, Christ in you, thus the understanding of who you are in Christ. The honesty and candor, in which Donna integrates crucibles of experience with scarlet threads of redemption, hope, encouragement, and purpose is quite intriguing and refreshing.

Doug Stringer
Founder/President, Somebody Cares &
Turning Point Ministries

Prepare to be impacted by 40 Days to the BRAVE New You: Love Yourself Without Limits! I have known Donna Reiners for 25 years and have seen how she has devoted her life to knowing the Truth of God’s word; faithful intercession and helping scores of people get healed, delivered and set free. This devotional is not another self-help book, but an intentional relationship-builder with Jesus. What could be more important than setting aside time to know Jesus Christ more deeply and be known by Him? You will find a daily feast on the Person of Truth while addressing deep questions to affirm your value, bring healing and build you up in God’s Love!

I believe your heart will be changed as you go through this book. As you begin to see yourself by the Spirit you will step into a fresh value for yourself. You will learn to love yourself, understand your worth in Christ and deepen your love for God. This will positively affect your relationships, families and communities for the glory of God.

Bethany Martin
Songwriter/Recording Artist, MaryofBethany.com
Director, Heart of Texas House of Prayer
State Ambassador — Texas, Awaken The Dawn