Short Talks with me to strengthen your every day life! Less than two minutes long! Enjoy and know you are valuable! You have purpose! You matter! Blessings to you!!

Praise for this course:

About the instructor

Friend, Teacher, Minister

Donna Reiners

Donna Reiners is a teacher who will challenge you to see yourself differently. She will push you through your bad moods, negative vibes and self hatred and encourage you to see yourself lovely and loved. She will take you into a journey she herself has been through and in the will be one who turns to tell others how they too should see themselves as HE sees you. Perfect. Flawless. Beautiful.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Short Talks with Donna

    • Short Talks with Donna

    • Evict Schemes of Darkness

    • I love you

    • Rise to your Feet

    • Sit Down on the Inside

    • What God Says We Can Do w Donna Reiners

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Phil 3

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Col 2

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Prov 15 3 Trust God

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Phil 2

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Prov 15 15 Intention

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Hebrews 4

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Prov 16 1 Plans

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Col 3

    • Short Talk w Donna Reiners Phil 4

You might want to check out my course Shut Up to Shut Down where I work with you on letting go of your troubles and changing your intention from dying to living. I'll see you there!! Blessings to you!!

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